Well, almost a year and a half has past since my last post, and reality has set in. What happened? Life happened. As a mom of two toddlers under the age of four, my priorities shifted from blog posting to dance and soccer practices. The one thing that has not changed, nor wavered at all during my journey is my love of learning, my fascination with technology integration, and wanting to better my teaching practices each and every day. With that said, I decided to tackle another challenge--a position as my school's Building Technology Coordinator. I have been encouraged by my leaders Ann, Jeff, and Jeanette to start blogging again. At first, I was a bit hesitant, but I'm glad I'm blogging again!
Currently, we are reading a book titled, What Connected Educators Do Differently by @ToddWhitaker, @Jeff_Zoul, and @casas_jimmy. In Chapter 1, we focused on Twitter and building a PLN. I must admit, a few years ago I was completely overwhelmed by Twitter. Hashtags? Tweets? Only 140 characters to speak your mind? Yeah...it wasn't for me. But as I finished my Twitter 101 class (Thanks Brent and Ann!) I realized something: Twitter is POWERFUL. I believe Twitter is used solely for two purposes: connections with the general public and as an outlet for professional development. I am proud to say that I use Twitter for both of these reasons! Professional Development: to build my classroom's PLN (@coachsmeby) and General Public Connections: to connect my East volleyball families and Chieftain Nation with our volleyball program's happenings (@BEASTVB).
I believe I am in the right mindset, ready to accept change, and I cannot wait to see what's in store in the months to come! Until then...
I find your posts very encouraging and this blog is exciting! Congratulations to your @BEASTVB players for their accomplishments this year! I can't wait to read your next blog!